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Title Review of Power System Instability Cases by IBR Increasing and Analysis of Response Factors
Authors 박보현;김지훈
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.5.912
Page pp.912-922
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Inverter-based resources(IBR); power system stability; stability classfication; response factors
Abstract The installation of new facilities, such as ESS, HVDC, TCSC, and IBR, is causing the power system to become more complicated.
This complexity is leading to the emergence of new patterns that have not been encountered previously. This changes in the power system increase the probability of system instability, therefore emphasizing the importance of responding with an long-term planning.
This paper examines the factors that impact the current stability area due to the growth in IBR, as well as the categories that are classified as new stability areas. This paper examines the factors that impact the current stability area due to the growth in IBR, as well as the categories that are classified as new stability areas. We also examined recent instances of domestic and international system instability caused by the proliferation of converter-based facilities. Finally, to address evolving power system stability concerns, we examine essential response factors using international case studies.