(Nebiyeleul Daniel Amare)
(Young Ik Son)
(Dept. of Electrical Eng., Myongji University, Republic of Korea.)
Copyright © The Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection
Key words
Cascade Control, RBF Neural Network, Supervisory Control, System Uncertainty, Nonlinear Friction Compensation
1. Introduction
The control of electric motor systems, particularly in precision position control,
has been a subject of extensive research due to its widespread applications in industrial
automation, robotics, and servo systems [1,2]. Ensuring accurate motor position tracking in the presence of model uncertainties,
nonlinearities, and external disturbances remains a challenging task. Various control
strategies have been developed to address these challenges, with cascade controllers
emerging as one of the most effective solutions for improving system robustness and
performance [3-6].
Cascade control structures, where a primary controller, typically for position tracking,
is augmented with a secondary controller, often for velocity or current control, offer
advantages in terms of design flexibility. Commonly, proportional (P) and proportional-integral
(PI) controllers are used in cascade configurations due to their simplicity and effectiveness
in linear systems [5,6]. However, these conventional controllers can not maintain nominal performance under
nonlinear dynamics and time-varying disturbances, leading to the need for more advanced
robust control methods. The most common approach used to enhance robustness in nominal
controllers is the DOBC [7,8]. Among the various DOBC techniques, Reduced-Order Proportional-Integral Observer
(ROPIO), stands out as it integrates the simplicity of a PI framework with the robustness
of a disturbance observer, enabling it to handle uncertainties and compensate for
unmodeled dynamics [9,10]. However, the performance of ROPIO-based controllers can degrade significantly when
subjected to complex, time-varying disturbances, such as sinusoidal inputs with unknown
To address the limitations of linear robust control methods, advanced nonlinear control
techniques have garnered increasing attention [11,12]. Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBF-NN), in particular, have been widely
used in control systems for their effective real-time approximation capabilities,
making them well-suited for compensating complex, nonlinear disturbances and uncertainties
while continuously adapting based on system feedback [13-15]. The versatility of RBF-NNs has made them applicable across a wide range of systems
[16-20]. To highlight a few recent works, [16] integrates an RBF-NN into a maglev vehicle control system, enabling adaptation to
real-time control trends, which enhances robustness against nonlinearities and improves
control precision. The RBF-NN-based adaptive robust controller for nonlinear bilateral
teleoperation manipulators in [17] employs RBF-NN to estimate and compensate for nonlinear environmental uncertainties,
resulting in increased system robustness and enhanced stability despite time delays
and external disturbances. In [18] RBF-NN was used to optimize control parameters in real-time to compensate for time-varying
parameters in permanent magnet synchronous motors, achieving superior decoupling performance
and reducing torque and current fluctuations. Similarly, [19] implements RBF-NN in a robust back-stepping control strategy for a snake robot’s
head, approximating external disturbances and compensating for nonlinearities, leading
to improved performance in dynamic environments. Another recent work presented in
[20] introduces an RBF-NN compensator integrated with a deadbeat active disturbance rejection
control system for electric drives. This compensator, trained online to suppress harmonic
disturbances without prior knowledge of harmonic frequencies, significantly enhances
current tracking and overall motor performance.
Motivated by these works, this paper considers two RBF NN-based robust cascade controllers
for improved reference tracking performance considering nonlinear friction and unknown
dynamic uncertainty. In the context of this study, the term ‘uncertainty’ is used
to refer to the combined effect of model parameter variations, nonlinearities in the
closed-loop system as well as external disturbance, while 'dynamic uncertainty' specifically
refers to the elements with time-varying dynamics. The friction model considered in
the study is the dynamic LuGre model [21], acting on the system along with an input channel sinusoidal disturbance with unknown
amplitude and frequency. A comprehensive comparison is made between the proposed scheme
and conventional cascade controllers including an ROPIO-based robust cascade controller.
The effectiveness of the approach is validated through simulations on an uncertain
DC motor position control system. The simulation results show that while the ROPIO-based
cascade controller provides robustness against nonlinear friction and model uncertainties,
its performance deteriorates when subjected to time-varying disturbances. The adaptive
RBF-NN-based cascade controller, despite offering robust compensation through online
learning, can be limited under extreme variations in system dynamics. In contrast,
the proposed supervisory RBF-NN-based cascade controller provides a more robust solution
against dynamic disturbances and model uncertainties. Thus, the purpose of this paper
is to propose a robust cascade controller enhanced with an RBF-NN that enables nominal
performance recovery in the presence of nonlinear friction and dynamic external disturbances,
whose combined effects often prove too challenging for ROPIOs to address.
The contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows:
Development of a supervisory RBF-NN-based cascade control scheme for nonlinear friction
compensation under dynamic uncertainty.
Robustness validation considering dynamic uncertainties through comparative simulation
against a robust ROPIO-based controller and an adaptive RBF-NN-based scheme.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the system model used in the
study and develops classical cascade controllers, including the robust ROPIO-based
cascade controller. The latter part of this section focuses on the development of
the adaptive and supervisory RBF-NN controllers. The robustness validation of the
proposed scheme is detailed in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
2. System Description and Controller Designs
2.1 System Model
This paper considers the position control problem of an uncertain DC motor system
represented by
where $\theta_{m}$, $\omega_{m}$ and $i_{a}$ are the rotor position, velocity, and
the armature current, respectively, with $B_{m}$ representing friction coefficient,
$J_{m}$ representing rotor inertia $K_{t}$ as torque constant, $K_{b}$ as back-EMF
constant, $L_{a}$ denoting armature inductance, $R_{a}$ denoting armature resistance,
$e_{a}$ as input voltage, $F$ representing an unknown friction force and $\Delta$
denoting lumped uncertainty including model parameter variation and dynamic input
channel disturbance $d_{s}(t)$.
Since the electrical dynamics of practical electric motors is considerably faster
than the mechanical ones, (1) can be represented by the reduced-order model by letting $L_{a}= 0$ [12].
where $x_{1}=\theta_{m}$, $x_{2}=\omega_{m}$, the input $u = e_{a}$, the combined
uncertainty $\psi = -F +\Delta$, $a =\left(B_{m}R_{a}+ K_{t}K_{b}\right)/\left(J_{m}R_{a}\right)$
and $b = K_{t}/(J_{m}R_{a})$. The position is the controlled output $y = x_{1}$.
The friction force is taken as the dynamic model
with $z$ representing the unmeasured internal friction state, $\sigma_{0}$, $\sigma_{1}$,
and $\sigma_{2}$ denoting unknown friction model parameters, $g\left(x_{2}\right)$
describing the Stribeck effect, consisting of $F_{c}$ and $F_{s}$ representing the
normalized Coulomb friction and stiction force respectively, and $v_{s}$ representing
the Stribeck velocity [21]. Furthermore, the external disturbance $d_{s}(t)$ is assumed to have a biased sinusoidal
where $d_{1}$, $\omega_{0}$, $\phi_{d}$ and $d_{0}$ are unknown constants.
2.2 Conventional Cascade Controllers
Using the system model (2) and assuming $\psi = 0$, a nominal cascade controller can be designed to track a
constant reference position signal $x_{r}$. To design the controller the outer-loop
tracking error is defined as $e_{1}= x_{r}- x_{1}$. The outer-loop tracking error
dynamics, given as $\dot{e}_{1}= -x_{2}$, indicates that if $x_{2}$ tracks an inner-loop
reference defined as $x_{2}^{*}= k_{1}e_{1}$, with $k_{1}>0$, then $e_{1}\to 0$ as
$t\to\infty$ with $\dot{e}_{1}= - k_{1}e_{1}$. Hence, the outer-loop gain is designed
based on a desired time constant $\tau_{1}= k_{1}^{-1}$. To ensure $x_{2}\to x_{2}^{*}$,
the inner-loop tracking error is defined as $e_{2}= x_{2}^{*}- x_{2}$, and the inner-loop
control objective can be achieved through the nominal control law
where the inner-loop dynamics is restricted as $k_{2}\ge 5k_{1}$.
It is obvious that $u_{1}^{*}$ would not ensure $e_{1}\to 0$, as $\psi ne 0$. A more
suitable controller that would ensure zero steady-state error in the presence of a
constant uncertainty is a controller with an integral term such as a proportional-integral
(PI) controller. In the cascade framework, this can be incorporated by taking the
inner-loop control law as
where $k_{p}$ and $k_{i}$ are the inner-loop proportional and integral gains, respectively.
The inner-loop gains are designed for the extended inner-loop system
where $\psi =\begin{bmatrix}x_{2}&\eta\end{bmatrix}^{T}$. Since system (7) is controllable, the closed-loop eigenvalues of (6)-(7) can be placed at arbitrary location $\begin{bmatrix}-\lambda_{1},\: & -\lambda_{1}\end{bmatrix}$
for $\lambda_{1}>0$. Similar to $u_{1}^{*}$, the inner-loop dynamics is restricted
as $\lambda_{1}\ge 5k_{1}$.
Fig. 1. ROPIO-based robust cascade controller closed-loop system
2.3 ROPIO-based Robust Cascade Controller
Although the P-PI cascade controller offers zero steady-state error in the presence
of constant uncertainty, $u_{2}^{*}$ will not maintain $e_{1}\to 0$ under the dynamic
$\psi$. However, by augmenting the cascade controller with an ROPIO, as depicted in
Fig 1, the dynamic uncertainty could be compensated through a disturbance estimation.
To design the ROPIO the reduced-order system model (2) is rewritten as
Remark 1 : Although the ROPIO is designed considering a constant disturbance $d$ as
the additional system state, through the use of high-gain, its effects can be compensated
as shown in the simulation results presented in Section 3.
By defining the state $x_{b}=\begin{bmatrix}x_{2}&d\end{bmatrix}^{T}$ the ROPIO can
be constructed as
where $L$ is the observer gain matrix and the disturbance estimation $\hat{d}=\begin{bmatrix}0
&1\end{bmatrix}\hat{x}_{b}$. The estimation error dynamics resulting from (9) is summarized as
where $\widetilde{x}_{b}= x_{b}-\hat{x}_{b}$. The observer gains are designed to ensure
the ROPIO dynamics is significantly faster than the inner-loop controller. To avoid
using the derivative term we define $x_{c}=\hat{x}_{b}- L x_{1}$, equation (9) can be rewritten as
Hence, the disturbance estimation is obtained as
Using the disturbance estimation, the P-PI cascade controller can be enhanced as
Remark 2 : Although the integral term of (6) can offer nominal control performance in addition to removing steady-state errors
caused by constant disturbances, the cumulative uncertainty resulting from model parameter
variation, nonlinear friction and external dynamic disturbance cannot be addressed
by simply using a PI controller. In this context, the disturbance estimation, $\hat{d}$,
produced by the ROPIO designed in this section will serve as the robust component
of the cascade control framework to address these effects.
Fig. 2. Adaptive RBF NN-based cascade controller closed-loop system
2.4 Adaptive RBF NN-based Robust Cascade Controller
While it is possible to compensate for the nonlinear friction and dynamic disturbance
in $\psi$ using a high-gain ROPIO, as noted in Remarks 1 and 2, this approach can
potentially lead to closed-loop instability [22] and induce vibrations in the system due to the aggressive control actions triggered
by rapid disturbance estimation. To address the nonlinear uncertainties in the closed-loop
system without encountering the issues associated with high-gain DOBs, an adaptive
RBF neural network can be employed [14]. The proposed adaptive RBF-NN-based cascade controller is depicted in Fig 2. Unlike the previous result the proposed controller utilizes the error $e_{2}= x_{2}^{*}-
x_{2}$ in the input vector $\xi$ via the cascade control approach as depicted in Fig 2.
To approximate the combined uncertainty $\psi$ in (2), an RBF NN is constructed as
where $\xi$ denotes the input vector, $i$ denotes the input neural net number in the
input layer, $j$ denotes the hidden node number in the hidden layer, $h =\begin{bmatrix}h_{1},\:
h_{2},\: \cdots ,\: h_{n}\end{bmatrix}^{T}$ denotes the output of the hidden layer,
$W$ represents the weight values and $\varepsilon$ is the estimation error and is
bounded as $\varepsilon\le\varepsilon_{N}$ [14]. For an arbitrary vector $v$, $∥ v∥^{2}= v^{T}v$.
Choosing the input vector as $\xi =\begin{bmatrix}e_{1}& e_{2}\end{bmatrix}^{T}$,
the nonlinear uncertainty estimation is produced as
where $\hat{W}$ is an adaptive weight. The optimal weight value is obtained as
Let the modeling error be defined as $\omega =\hat{\psi}\left(\xi | W^{*}\right)-\psi(\xi)$
and $\widetilde{\psi}=\psi -\hat{\psi}$. Using the adaptive RBF NN estimation, the
nominal control law $u^{*_{1}}$ can be enhanced as
Applying (18) to (2b) yields the tracking error dynamics
Next choose the Lyapunov function as
where $\gamma$ is a positive constant. Taking the derivative of the function yields
Constructing the RBF-NN weight adaptive update law as
makes the derivative of the Lyapunov function
Hence if the approximation error $\omega$ can be made to have a small value using
the adaptive RBF-NN, $\dot{V}\le 0$ can be obtained.
Fig. 3. Conventional RBF supervisory control system [15]
2.5 Supervisory RBF NN-based Cascade Controller
The RBF NN supervisory controller in this section is a design method combining a
switching control technique to improve the control performance of the existing one
as shown in Fig 3 [15]. To improve the conventional supervisory controller in [14] we consider a switching controller for the following error equation from (8b)
where $e_{2}= x_{2}^{*}- x_{2}$ and $\delta = -ax_{2}+(b- 1)u + bd -\dot{x}_{2}^{*}$.
Consider the following control input
with positive gains $k_{2}$ and $M$. By using (25) time derivative of the Lyapunov function $V = 0.5 e_{2}^{2}$ yields
when $M -|\delta|>\overline{\gamma}> 0$. This implies $e_{2}\to 0$ within a finite
In Fig 3 the supervisory control input is given by
and the parameter $w$ is trained to minimize the following cost function
The switching control input (25) can be used to help training the supervisory control input (27)-(28) because the following property can be assumed on the two controllers in the steady
Motivated by (30) the proposed RBF NN supervisory controller is represented by
where $u_{p}= k_{2}e_{2}$ and the switching gain $\mu$ is a positive constant $0 <\mu\le
M$. The function $\tan h(\sigma u_{p})$ is used to avoid the use of a discontinuous
function ${sgn}(u_{p})$ with a positive constant $\sigma$ [15].
By using the Gradient Descent Method, the parameter update is modified by using the
cost function (29) with (31) instead of (28) as follows.
where the learning rate $\eta$ has a value between 0 and 1 (see Fig 4). Unlike in the previous section the input vector $y_{d}= x_{2}^{*}$ in Fig 4 instead of $\xi$ in Fig 2.
Fig. 4. Supervisory RBF NN-based cascade controller closed-loop system
In the next section we verify the performance of the proposed controller through comparative
simulations under dynamic uncertainties.
3. Performance Validation
The performance of the proposed RBF NN-based cascade controllers is validated through
a comparative simulation against the nominal P-P cascade, P-PI cascade, and ROPIO-based
robust cascade controller. The simulation has been constructed considering nominal
plant model parameters $a = 8.389$ and $b = 1.7028$ (see Table 2 in the next page). Using the nominal parameter values, the cascade controller and
ROPIO gains were designed choosing the outer-loop time constant $\tau_{1}= 0.05[{s}]$.
The two RBF NN models considered in the simulation were constructed with $11$ hidden
nodes. The controller and obs
erver gains as well as the RBF NN parameters used in the simulation are summarized
in Table 1.
Table 1 Controller Parameters in Simulation
Controller Gains:
$k_{1}= 20$, $k_{2}= 100$, $k_{p}= 1.1252$, $k_{i}= 58.7246$
Observer Gains:
$L =\begin{bmatrix}991.6107 & 1468.1158\end{bmatrix}^{T}$
RBF NN Parameters:
$c_{i}=\begin{bmatrix}-5 & -4 & -3 & -2 & -1 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\-5 & -4 & -3
& -2 & -1 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5\end{bmatrix}\times 0.15$
$b_{i}= 15$, $\gamma = 7500$
$\mu = 5$, $\sigma = 0.5$, $\eta = 0.1$
The reference signal used in the simulation was the variable step trajectory constructed
The uncertainties considered in the simulation are detailed in Table 2. These include the parameters of the dynamic friction model (3), input channel sinusoidal disturbance model represented by (4), as well as model parameter perturbations.
Table 2 Uncertainties Considered in Simulation
Model Parameter Variations
Nominal Value
Uncertain Value
Dynamic Friction Model Parameters
Input Channel Disturbance
Signal in $[{V}]$
Duration in $[{s}]$
$\left. d_{s}(t)= 1.5\sin(10 t)- 3\right .$
$6\le t < 13$
Fig. 5. Reference tracking performance comparison between ROPIO-based cascade controller
and non-robust cascade controllers (top) and the tracking error (bottom) comparison
The reference tracking performance comparison obtained from the simulation is presented
in Fig 5 and Fig 6. From the simulation the following observations can be made: the P-P cascade controller
does not offer zero steady-state error under the nonlinear dynamic friction. This
challenge is resolved by the P-PI cascade controller owing to the integral term in
the inner-loop.
Fig. 6. Reference tracking performance comparison between ROPIO-based cascade controller
and RBF NN-based cascade controllers (top) and the tracking error (bottom) comparison
However, the P-PI cascade controller loses zero steady-state error once the sinusoidal
disturbance is introduced into the closed-loop system. Furthermore, as can be noticed
in the reference tracking error comparison (bottom plot of Fig 6), the ROPIO compensated cascade controller suffers from a sinusoidal error owing
to the disturbance.
In Fig 6 a relatively less effective compensation can be obtained from the adaptive RBF NN-based
P-P cascade controller, although its performance may be improved by integrating it
with a PI inner-loop controller. The proposed supervisory RBF NN-based cascade controller
on the other hand offers a superior compensation of the nonlinear friction as well
as the dynamic uncertainties despite having a P-P cascade structure as the main controller
as shown in the reference tracking error comparison in Fig 6 (bottom plot).
Fig. 7. Nominal performance recovery comparison between ROPIO-based cascade controller
and RBF-NN-based robust cascade controllers
Furthermore, the nominal performance recovery of the ROPIO-based and RBF NN-based
cascade controllers are presented in Fig 7. This shows the supervisory cascade controller maintains nominal performance at the
sinusoidal disturbance introduction at $t = 6[{s}]$. In addition, as a quantitative
measure of the performance, the norms of the errors($Vert e Vert$) from Fig 7 are compared in Table 3 during the time interval ($6\le t\le 7$). This further demonstrates the effectiveness
of the supervisory scheme against dynamic uncertainties.
Table 3 Normed Errors of the Trajectories in Fig 4
The control effort comparison of the controllers is presented in Fig 8 and Fig 9. Throughout the simulations a control input saturation of $\overline{u}=\pm 24.0[{V}]$
was imposed. From the control efforts comparison it can be seen that the improved
performance of the RBF NN-based schemes was not obtained at the cost of large magnitude
control input.
Fig. 8. Control effort comparison between ROPIO-based cascade controller and non-robust
cascade controllers
Fig. 9. Control effort comparison between the ROPIO-based cascade controller and RBF
NN-based cascade controllers
4. Conclusion
A supervisory RBF NN-based cascade control scheme has been proposed for enhanced nonlinear
friction compensation in the presence of dynamic uncertainties. The scheme was compared
with both a robust ROPIO-based cascade controller and an adaptive RBF NN-based cascade
controller. Comparative simulations, conducted on a DC motor position control objective,
highlighted the limitations of conventional robust linear controllers in addressing
dynamic disturbances and demonstrated the superior performance of RBF NN-based controllers.
In particular, the supervisory RBF-NN controller outperformed the adaptive RBF NN
in terms of disturbance rejection and robustness. The proposed scheme can be applied
to position control of various kinds of mechanical systems as well as electric motors.
To test its feasibility of real-world applications future work will focus on experimental
validation of the proposed scheme with a laboratory motor system.
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received his B.S. degree in Electromechanical Engineering from Addis Ababa Science
and Technology University, Ethiopia, in 2017. Since 2019, he has been a researcher
in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Myongji University, South Korea, where
he is currently pursuing an integrated M.S.-Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.
His research interests include robust and adaptive control, with applications to electrical
and mechanical systems under uncertainty.
He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University, Korea,
in 1995, 1997 and 2002, respectively. He was a visiting scholar at Cornell University
(2007~2008) and University of Connecticut (2016~2017). Since 2003, he has been with
the Department of Electrical Engineering at Myongji University, Korea, where he is
currently a professor. His research interests include robust controller design and
its application to industrial elec- tronics.